This audioguide is also available in Italian.
First of all, download the PDF map.
To start the walk, go to the intersection of Saint-Laurent Boulevard and Beaubien Street East. You can get there by walking from Beaubien metro station or by taking the 55 bus on Saint-Laurent.
Listen to the introduction while walking north on Saint-Laurent.
Produced by Friends of Saint-Laurent Boulevard*, coordinated by Justin Bur
Research and script : Bernard Vallée (Montréal Explorations), with the participation of Miguel Simão Andrade, Catherine Browne (Montréal Explorations), Justin Bur, Patrick Donovan and Ève-Catherine Champoux.
Coordination of the Italian version : William D'Onofrio
Translations : Patrick Donovan (English) and Marie-Christine Teoli (Italian)
Narration : Antoine Bédard (French), Davide Chiazzese (English), and Marco Luciani Castiglia (Italian)
Sound production : Antoine Bédard (Portrait Sonore) and Simon Tremblay
Graphic design : Serge Rhéaume (Portrait Sonore)
Musical selection "Mandolin Espresso" written and performed by Giulio D’Agostino (used with the permission of the artist).
* Friends of Saint-Laurent Boulevard board members 2014-2017 : Justin Bur, Véronique Archambault-Gendron, Miguel Simão Andrade, William D'Onofrio, Aurélie Vigné, Ève-Catherine Champoux, Jonathan Cha, Jacques Desjardins, Bernard Vallée, Patrick Donovan, Dory Reimer, Joaquina Pires
© Friends of Saint-Laurent Boulevard 2017
This project was supported financially by the ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec and by the Ville de Montréal through the Entente sur le développement culturel de Montréal.